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Foto van schrijverHugo de Ruiter

Stairway to heaven at Dutch Masterly

Hugo de Ruiter will exhibit Finca together with Cooloo at the roof terrace at Dutch Masterly during the coming design week from 9-14 April.

Address Palazzo Francesco Turati Via Meravigli 7, Milano

Don't hesitate to follow the stairways to the top of the building. Besides the wonderful Cooloo collection you will have a marvelous view on Milan Duomo.

Cooloo and circular coating Finca in Cork coating

"Our goal is to develop and create a zero waste product that suit the circulair economy. Therefore we work together with fabric recycling companies, leather production and upholstering companies, foam recycling companies and many more. So we can find new ways to use waste materials in a high quality way. This is how we have developed the CooLLeather and CooLCork finishing’s that contain waste from the leather and cork production industries. "

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